
Why should you Subscribe to BPO Diary?

You are in the course of trying new and better things everyday so that you can make a living online – so that you can make money online. During this time you get so busy and engrossed with you work that you forget to check back on even your favorite sites for updates. But this is the time when you need to keep up with the latest and the best.

BPO Diary is an attempt to help you in your efforts at making money online. But we do not want to disturb your schedules as well.

So when you subscribe to BPO Diary –

  • You will not loose out on any important information that is published here are BPO Diary.
  • You don’t have to periodically check for newer updates and information. It will be delivered straight into your inbox and you can either read it if it is relevant or, simply ‘delete’ it.
  • This will save a lot of time and effort for you.
  • You will get information about the new ebooks, most of which would be free-of-cost and other information products that will be of use to you.

How do I subscribe?

There are 2 main ways of subscribing to BPO Diary –

  1. RSS Feeds
  2. Email subscriptions

RSS Feeds –

Wondering what an RSS feed is? RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, though there could many other explanations to it. The simple way to put it is RSS is a method of subscribing to blogs like BPO Diary and staying up to date without having to visit the website often.

You will find a similar ICON on websites that offer RSS. A similar ICON is present on the top-left hand side of BPO Diary.

In order to subscribe just click the icon and it will take you to your favorite RSS reader. Just select your favorite RSS reader from the list (I would recommend Google) and click on “Subscribe now”. That’s it. You are subscribed.

Email Subscriptions –

Another simpler way of subscribing to a blog is by subscribing through email. All you have to do is enter your email address and you are subscribed.

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